Social Media campaigns are the most relevant method in contriving an effective relationship with customers. Understanding what a company’s competition is doing to enhance their relationship with customers through various social media channels and measuring the effectiveness of these channels in reaching out to desired target audience is a priority requirement and helps the company create a well-defined and effective social media communication strategy. It therefore becomes important to create good quality content that provides value to the target audience and its impact in improving customer relationships.
Here are some of the inputs you can use to optimize your Social Media Reach:
Social Media Relationship Data
The digital marketing team identifies the metrics and targets to monitor social media relationship with consumers. The overall targets for social media have already been distributed amongst the selected social media elements and based on the metrics identified for gauging the awareness across social media channels, the Social Media relationship data is collected.
The collected Social Media relationship data centers around the number of users engaged across the various social platforms, time spent by the users on the chosen social platforms, frequency of interaction of users with the company across these platforms. This collected data serves as a starting point and the improvements in Social Media relationship with customers are measured by base lining against this. For companies new to a social platform, data around the social activity of competitors can be collected to serve as the benchmark.
Social Media Relationship Metrics and Targets
The digital marketing team identifies the metrics and targets to monitor the social media performance of the organization. The overall targets for social media will be distributed amongst the selected social media elements and the metrics identified for gauging the awareness across social media channels are identified to help the marketing team monitor the effectiveness of their content distribution strategy. Metrics relevant to relationship management like time spent by customers engaging with brand on a daily basis are identified and targets are defined for the same. Consumer perception of the company products are regularly monitored to identify poor experiences of customers engaging with the brand and rectifying the issue.
All the optimization efforts to build a relationship with customers need to be measured against these metrics and targets. Any shortfalls from the targets need to be evaluated and further optimization efforts undertaken. In case a company exceeds targets for building relationships through the website, then it needs to understand the reasons for its success so it can replicate such success for the long term and even in other channels.
Customer Feedback
Customer feedback helps companies identify the issues related to building a relationship with customers and eventually improving sales of products. Feedback from customers also helps organizations improvise on their channel strategy with positive feedback serving as a proof of concept that the channel strategy adopted by the company is yielding desired results. Customer feedback is collected at various stages of the brand’s engagement with the customer and this historically collected feedback serves as a benchmark for the company to gauge their future relationship with customers. In order to maintain a healthy relationship with customers, companies make use of e-mail marketing and other social channels to gain feedback from customers after a product/service is utilized by the customer.
With social channels becoming highly viral, negative feedback from customers spreads rapidly and it is important for brands to contain such feedback and respond appropriately. For example, if a customer purchases some furniture from a store and notices that the furniture is broken during delivery, the customer may go online and share this experience with the world using social channels which would deteriorate the relationship of the furniture company with their customers. In this case, it is important for the company to monitor such feedback and take appropriate measures to ensure that the customer’s issues are resolved.
Based on the analysis of the social media performance of competitors, a company can understand which social media channels generate a better response and revenue. Companies can also segment the audience engaging with competitors across channels and based on this data; decide on the appropriate content delivery strategy for various channels.