
Mobile Customized Website Development

Posted by SMstudy® on April 20, 2017 | Digital Marketing (DM)

Keywords: Mobile App Development, Digital marketing, Internet marketing,

Mobile Customized Website Development

Mobile devices have a number of characteristics that make them very different from laptops and desktops. Their screens are smaller; their screen orientation changes from portrait to landscape depending on how the user holds the device; their inputs are mostly touch-based, making them different from keyboard and mouse-based inputs; and they have additional capabilities such as geo-location. Given these differences, and the fact that mobile traffic now forms a significant proportion of overall traffic to websites across industries, it has become important for companies to make sure their websites display and perform well on mobile devices.

There are primarily two approaches from which companies can choose when seeking to customize their websites for mobile devices. The options are as follows:

Create a separate mobile site - This approach involves creating a separate site specifically designed for use on mobile devices. These sites generally have only the most important sections of the site displayed in such a manner that they are easy to read on the smaller screens of smartphones and tablets. If a user wants to access additional information that is not present on the mobile site, then links are provided to relevant pages on a full version of the website. Typically, a link is also provided for users to access the full version of the website.

Implement responsive design - This approach involves reprogramming and sometimes redesigning the existing website so that it adjusts its display and content automatically, depending on the screen size and orientation of the device on which the website is being viewed.

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