No matter how many metrics you measure for your online marketing campaign, the one that will always remain the most important is Conversion Rate. Driving traffic to your website is good and important too, but all that traffic is of no use if your audience doesn’t convert to generate significant revenue for your business. Conversions are of different types - product purchase, important interactions, content download, form completions and others. Boosting your conversion rate will help you generate more business irrespective of the other things you have going on.
Even though there are innumerable deciding factors that impact a visitor’s decision to convert, here are four simple strategies you can use to boost your website conversion rate -
More Call-to-action Buttons:
In traditional marketing practices, quality is given due priority over quantity. But when it comes to conversion marketing, quantity is as important as quality. If you don’t provide enough call-to-action buttons on your page, you might be taking away the opportunity from your visitors to convert into customers. Add call-to-action buttons wherever you can on your website without being annoying. Include sign-ups on sidebars, download buttons, popup offers and calls-to-actions in your blog posts. With more call-to-action buttons you increase your visibility and ultimately, your conversion rate.
Segmented Landing Pages:
Many brands use their landing page to capture leads and keep potential customers informed about the products they want to sell them. Landing pages exist separate from your website and display your offers to your visitors. These pages provide an excellent way to boost conversion rates. By segmenting your landing page effectively or by creating multiple variations of it to cater to your audiences’ requirements, you can increase the possibility of converting them into loyal customers.
Responsive Website Design:
Customers nowadays are more readily available on mobile and other hand-held devices than on computer systems. Even though most modern designs and template sites are responsive by default and can adapt to any screen size, make sure you check the responsiveness of your site on all devices before making it live. Since everything, from clicking the call-to-action button to filling up a form needs to be done on a tiny screen, ensure that all that you have to offer can be done easily and comfortably on any device. An enhanced comfort level and good website experience will positively impact your conversion rate.
Great Website Experience:
You can make it easy for your website by providing your user the best online experience. If you have ever dealt with a buggy website, or have felt the frustration of filling a lengthy web form, you will definitely understand the potential to exit a website. Run different user experience tests to make sure that your website is fully functional, loads quickly, and prompts the user when required. Make sure the forms load quickly and can be filled with ease, and offer a small confirmation when the process is completed. Provide the best user experience and don’t give your users even the slightest chance to bail on you.
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